In order to interact with the Workvivo API a Bearer token must be included in the header of all requests. This article will guide you through the process of:
- Creating an App in Workvivo
- Adding the necessary permissions/scopes
- Generating the Bearer token
Device(s): Desktop
Roles / Permissions: Developer
Availability: API access enabled at the request of Support
Please note the following:
- In order to utilise the Workvivo API you must first contact support to request API access.
Workvivo requires any user interacting with our API to first be granted the developer role. This task can be executed by your account administrator once API access has been granted. See (Granting roles in Workvivo.)
Once the developer role has been granted the user will have access to an additional option within the admin panel - “API Keys and JWT settings”. This setting provides user access to create an app, add/remove integration scopes and generate a bearer token by following the steps below.
1. Open administration & “Click” “API Keys and JWT settings”
2. “Click” Add New App
3. Give your app the necessary permissions/scopes and name your App. This is a good time to review the API documentation and identify the permissions required for each endpoint. e.g. To interact with the Teams API you will need to apply all the required Team read/write permissions.
If unsure as to what permissions are required at this point don't fret, it is possible to make updates later on once the App is live.
4. Now that the App has been created “Click” “Manage keys“.
5. “Click” Add new Key - Once the new key has been named, the Bearer token will populate.
Save the token to a secure location as it cannot be retrieved once the window is closed. If at any time the Bearer token is compromised, delete immediately and create a new key.
Additional Information
- For reference - Workvivo Developer documentation
- A reminder that API access is not enabled for all Workvivo accounts so please request access from Support.