Device(s): Desktop and Mobile
Roles / Permissions: External Contributors
Logging into Workvivo
When you invite an external contributor to a Workvivo External Space, they receive an email inviting them to set up a password for Workvivo.
Note: This initial password set-up link will expire after 48 hours.
When they click on the link to create an account in the email, they are asked to enter their name, email address and set a password.
Going forward, these external contributors can access Workvivo on their browser by bookmarking that link or by searching https://[your platform name]
Viewing Content
Once logged in, the external user will only see the space they have been invited to and the content posted to that space. They will also have access to any custom widgets your organisation has set up.
Posting Content to Workvivo
An external user can only post to the space they have been given access to.
An ‘E’ icon is displayed beside their name in their posts to easily identify that they are an external contributor.
Updating their Profile
External users have an “External” label beside their avatar in their People Profile.
They can change their avatar at any time on mobile or desktop.
Changing their Password
External users can change their password at any time or when prompted to.
On desktop, they can do this by:
- Open User Menu
- Click "Edit My Profile"
- Go to Account Security
- Click "Change Password"