It's really easy to join a company Livestream on both web and mobile, and you can also watch it back afterwards if it was recorded. Livestreams are great for informal or impromptu messages from your CEO/Senior Leadership, or to give everyone a snapshot into a team event or special event like an Awards ceremony or Guest Speaker presentation.
Device(s): Web, Mobile
Roles / Permissions: No roles or permissions required to view a Livestream
Accessing the Livestream
If an employee is part of the selected audience of a Livestream they will see a pop-up icon on their activity feed on both mobile and web browser. The Livestream can be accessed from either device.
Clicking on the icon will bring you through to the Livestream.
Watching a Livestream
On web, a user can select PIP (Picture-in-picture) which allows them to watch the Livestream videos while using Workvivo. Before clicking on the livestream the preview screen updates on Workvivo as the livestream is live.
In the screenshot below you will see Mary is viewing Victoria's Livestream on the bottom right of her screen but she can also scroll through her activity feed and navigate to other areas of the platform while the livestream is happening.
On mobile, you can also use Picture-in-picture (PIP) so you can continue to use the app and have the Livestream playing as per the image below.
Viewing Settings
When viewing a livestream, you can choose to view the transcript.
If you no longer wish to see the captions, you can hide the transcript.
You can also change the language of the transcript by selecting the "EN" box (English) at the right hand side of the transcript section. You can choose from English, Spanish, Polish and Turkish.
If you are planning on hosting a livestream, be sure to check out Setting Up and Hosting a Livestream - or, learn how you can Link a Livestream to an event.