Anniversary Badges are a great way celebrate a person's anniversary with the company for any number of years.
Device(s): Desktop
Roles / Permissions: Admins and Badge Admins
How does it work?
These badges can be awarded if you provide us with "HireDate" data in your chosen provisioning method.
The badge will be awarded when the user meets the selected number of years in service.
When a new badge for an anniversary has been awarded it will clear out the previous badge, e.g, if you had a 5 year anniversary badge, on your 10 year anniversary the 5 year will be removed and the 10 year will replace it
Note: Your organisation must have opted in to enable hire date features to use the Anniversary Badges.
Don't worry - if a user has chosen to "Opt out / Hide Anniversary" in their profile, we will respect these preferences.
Note: Badges based on anniversary aren’t backdated. When set up, an employee will receive their badge for the next milestone they reach. To backdate you can add the badge manually.
How do I create an Anniversary Badge?
From the Badges section in the Explore tab, system Admins and Badge Admins can create and assign custom anniversary badges to team members.
- Click “Create New Badge” at the top right corner of the Badges screen.
- Upload an icon (200px x 200px), provide a title and a description (max 190 characters).
- You can "Enable Confetti" which will turn on a confetti celebration when the recipient is awarded their badge.
- Select type = "Anniversary" and click save
- After you save you will be able to select the Anniversary number of years
- You can also input a message and image that only recipients will see when they receive the badge.
Creating the badge will not retrospectively award any employees with the Anniversary badge as the logic only kicks in for Anniversaries celebrated after badge creation.
Note: You can preview the award notification screen that recipients will see by saving & clicking "Preview Award"
When the user reaches the chosen milestone they will get a notification, when they click on the notification they will see the Award image, message & confetti (if enabled).
For more information on Badges check out this section here.