Custom-rule badge allocation is Workvivo's newest feature that allows Admins & Badge Admins to create rules to award badges automatically. This feature is a great way to promote engagement on the platform.
Device(s): Desktop
Roles / Permissions: Admins and Badge Admins
How does it work?
Admins / Badge Admins can now create rules to award badges automatically. There are 10 rules that can be defined:
A few things to note:
- Each custom-rule badge can have a minimum of 1 rule and a maximum of 5 rules.
- Most rules rule can be set to look across the platform or set within a space
- Custom rule badges can be enabled and disabled (so automation wont pick them up if disabled)
- Badges only check actions from when the badge is created. If the badge is more than 3 months old then rules will only look back over the past 3 months
- You can choose if you would like the recipient to receive the badge after completing one of the actions or all of the actions.
- It is not possible to add any additional custom rules, only the 10 options that appear from the dropdown menu can be selected.
- If creating the "Post using a Hashtag" rule, only hashtags used in Post updates and Shoutouts contribute to the rule. Comments are not included.
How do I create a Custom Rule Badge?
From the Badges section in the Explore tab, system Admins and Badge Admins can create and assign custom anniversary badges to team members.
- Click “Create New Badge” at the top right corner of the Badges screen.
- Upload an icon (200px x 200px), provide a title and a description (max 190 characters).
- You can "Enable Confetti" which will turn on a confetti celebration when the recipient is awarded their badge.
- Select type = "Custom Rules" and click save
- After you save you will be able to add 1-5 rules of your choice by clicking "Add Rule". For content related badges eg. Likes, Comments, Posts - you can choose how many of each type is required to meet the criteria.
- You can also input a message and image that only recipients will see when they receive the badge.