If your organisation uses Password Authentication on Workvivo - you must set up a password the first time you log in. Over time, if you cannot remember your password for your Workvivo account you can reset it via email. Please note that the link in a 'password reset' email expires after 48 hours.
Device(s): Desktop & Mobile
Roles / Permissions: All user types
Resetting a forgotten password (Desktop)
1. To reset your password on Desktop please navigate to your organisations Workvivo login screen and select "Forgot your password?"
2. Enter the email address associated with your Workvivo account and click "Reset"
3. You will get a confirmation in green - if you entered a valid email address associated with a Workvivo account a reset email will be sent to your inbox immediately.
4. Shortly you should receive an email from no-reply@workvivo.com with reset instructions. Click the "Reset Password" button to change your password.
Note: If you do not receive a reset email please check spam / check you inputted the correct email address. If you still face an issue email: support@workvivio.com
5. You will be directed to a form where you can reset your password by entering email, new password and confirm new password.
Note: If your organisation has enforced password rules eg Minimum Length - your new password will need to meet these criteria.
Resetting a forgotten password (Mobile)
1. Open the Workvivo app on your mobile device and enter the email address associated with your Workvivo account. You will now see a login screen like below with the option to select "Forgot your Password?"
2. Click "Send Code" this will send an authorisation code to the email address associated with your Workvivo account.
3. You should receive a 6 digit code in your inbox from no-reply@workvivo.com.
Note: If you do not receive a reset email please check spam / check you inputted the correct email address. If you still face an issue email: support@workvivio.com
4. Input this code into the prompt on the mobile app
5. You will be directed to a form where you can reset your password by entering new password and confirm new password.
Note: If your organisation has enforced password rules eg Minimum Length - your new password will need to meet these criteria.