Auto-translation of Articles and Pages allows you to celebrate a diverse employee network and ensure that people have the ability to consume content in the language of their choice!
However, there may be some words or phrases in your content that you would not like to be automatically translated. For example, internal sayings unique to your organization.
This feature allows you to easily highlight content within your Article or Page body that should not be translated when using Workvivo’s auto-translation functionality. These highlighted segments will remain unchanged while the rest of the content is translated into your language of choice.
Device(s): Desktop for setup, Desktop or Mobile for viewing translations
Roles / Permissions: Admins, Editors, Article Editors, Global Pages Editor, Space Owners/Admins can edit space articles & pages
Auto Translation Technology
Workvivo uses the Amazon Text Translation service to support on-screen translations on our platform (web and mobile app). Amazon Translate uses advanced machine learning technologies to provide high-quality translation on demand.
The full list of languages for the Amazon service are available here. Please note that the Workvivo engineering team must complete an exercise when a new language appears in Amazon's list. The addition is not instantaneous so please let us know if a translation doesn't appear to be supported in Workvivo yet.
This functionality is available within both Article and Page editors by following these simple steps;
1. Highlight the text that should not be translated
2. Click the ‘Mark Do Not Translate’ icon in the top bar of the editor.
3. This text will then be highlighted with a coral dotted underline in the editor and will not be translated.
Additional Information