Organization and Location Settings
The default timezone for your organization can be set by an Admin under Administration > Localization > Timezone.
This will then be the default for all users.
Timezone can also be set for different locations under Administration > Teams >> Locations > Edit a Location.
User Settings
When users first log in, they are typically met with a 'Select your Timezone' screen as part of Onboarding.
This screen contains a list of common timezones.
A longer list is available under Edit My Profile.
Each user can update their time zone under the User Menu on desktop at any time.
Updated Timezone Picker & Custom Timezone Manager
Note: On January 26th 2024, we released a new version of the timezone picker which includes and updated timezone format as well as additional common timezones such as Mountain Time, Eastern Time, etc. In addition to this update we also released a custom timezone manager, which affords the a Workvivo administrator the ability to create custom timezones for their organisation.
To avail of this updated experience, please contact your customer experience manager.
Setting a default timezone
The default timezone for your organisation can be set by an Administrator by navigating to: Administration > Localisation.
The timezone selected here, will be the default timezone for your organisation, but can be overridden by each user in their individual profile settings.
Creating a custom timezone
If your organisation requires a timezone that is not included in the provided list of 79 default timezones, the required timezone can be added easily using the Add Timezone button.
1. First select the location from the extensive list of 420 locations covering the entire globe.
2. Accept the default description/ label or replace it with one of your choosing.
3. Click Save and view the new timezone option on the main Localisation screen
Note: If you have created a new timezone (one which was not included in the list of 79 provided timezones) you will have the option to delete this timezone.
Renaming an existing timezone
If your organisation wishes to rename an existing provided timezone, example: “Europe/Dublin” to “Cork”, this can be done through the same “Add Timezone” flow as before.
When creating a new timezone which maps to an existing timezone, you must update the label.
Note: You cannot delete a timezone that has been renamed, instead you will simply have the option to remove that label. Once removed the timezone will remain available in the default provided list under its original name.
Deleting a timezone
When deleting a custom timezone which is being used by one or more users, the following message will appear:
You must ensure that you select a new timezone to replace the one you are deleting. Once saved, the custom timezone will be deleted and all users previously using that timezone will be moved over to the newly selected one.
User settings
When a user logs into Workvivo for the first time or when their location has changed, they will be prompted to select a timezone from the list provided.
Users can also update their timezone at any time from the edit profile screen
Available timezones
There are 420 available timezone locations available to choose from, however Workvivo provides a list of 79 default timezones in our timezone picker. Any custom timezones added by the organisation will be added to this list.
Each timezone is represented in the GMT Offset format with a location identifier and the timezone abbreviation included. Example:
(GMT+0:00) Dublin (GMT)
All offset times are available with some standard timezones included for convenience such as Pacific Time, Mountain Time, Eastern Time etc.
All timezones are automatically updated to reflect daylight saving time.
Below is the list of all 79 default timezones.