You may find that you are uncertain about whether to allow all employees to be able to create a Community Space on Workvivo or whether you would prefer to have this ability restricted to only System Administrators. Workvivo has created a feature which allows any employee to be able to request for a space to be created, provide a justification and then submit this through an approval process where System Admins can ensure that there is a valid business case for this space before making it available for all employees.
Device(s): Desktop
Roles / Permissions: All users can request a space to be created. System Admins must have the 'Space Approver' role to be able to accept or reject new Spaces in the Space Approvals interface of the Admin Dashboard.
How do I implement this process?
Notify your Workvivo Customer Experience Manager if you would like to turn on this process for your Workvivo.
Once this setting is enabled, general users will now see the 'Request New Space' button on the right hand side of their Spaces screen.
When a user clicks 'Request New Space' the Space creation workflow starts. Here, the user must complete the space setup form including space title, branding, configuration and a justification as to why they want this space to be created and how it will be managed. Once saved, the Space is submitted for review by an Admin.
After this information is submitted, the user is advised that their request has been submitted to an administrator for approval.
System Admins who have been assigned the Space Approver role will be able to access the Space Approvals dashboard from their Admin Panel and validate the justification.
Admins can click 'View' to see the space setup settings and the justification. They can then 'Approve' or 'Reject' the request. If the admin does reject the request, they must add a reason for rejection.
This will notify the requestor and also be saved in the Space Approval Logs should an audit be required down the line.
If the Space is approved, the requestor will be notified and the Space will now appear for everybody to see.