A Space can be archived if it is no longer wanted or obsolete. Archived spaces can be unarchived at any time so archiving isn't a permanent deletion of the space or content within it.
If a space is no longer required, it can be archived and then permanently deleted.
Device(s): Desktop
Roles / Permissions: System Admin/ Space Manager, a Space Owner can archive their own space
Archive a Space
1. Open the Space you wish to archive and under Admin, select 'Archive Space'.
Then space disappears from view, as does all space content in the main feed.
Unarchive / Recover or Delete an Archived Space
Archived spaces can be recovered at any time by system Admins, Space Managers or the Space Owners by clicking on Archived Spaces filter, clicking on its name and clicking “Unarchive”.
From this screen, you can also 'Permanently Delete' the space and all its content. This is immediate so be sure before doing so.
Space Management Best Practices
Ensure your Space Owner community is keeping their spaces fresh. Hold an audit every 6 months to highlight the spaces with little to no activity. (Workvivo Support can help you identify these if you have hundreds of spaces.)
Ask the Space Owners if they would like to reignite their space and what their plan is for content. If it is no longer required, it will be archived.
Here's a sample email you could send Space Owners / Admins:
Good morning Colleague,
The Workvivo team is currently reviewing space activity and ownership. We have identified that you are currently listed as an owner for X Space / one or more spaces in the attached spreadsheet that has had little to no activity within the past 6 months.
Could you please respond by DATE if you wish to keep the space active on Workvivo? We would also like to understand your vision for the space and plan for content. After this date, we will be archiving any unwanted/ obsolete spaces to make it easier to navigate to and locate active communities on Workvivo, improving the colleague experience.
Please note that archived spaces can be unarchived and returned to a working state at any time so this isn't a permanent deletion of the space or content within it.
Thank you,