Space Owners and Admins can select to enable a custom welcome email that will be sent to all new members who join.
This allows them to personalize the user experience and make their space stand out from the rest.
Device(s): Desktop
Roles / Permissions: Space Owners and Admins
How do I set up a Custom Welcome email for a Space?
1. To enable this feature, select the ‘Edit Space’ button in the Space Management menu.
2. Once you are here, scroll to the bottom of the window and enable the toggle button.
3. Enter your desired welcome email. Once saved, this will be sent to all new members who join the space.
Note: Users will not be notified when they are added to a Default Space. If you have enabled "Would you like to send a welcome email to new members when they join?" in that Space, then new users that manually join the space will be sent the Welcome Email.