Admins can add / remove Managers through the Administration - Assign Manager section.
Note: If you do not see the Assign Manager option, this feature may need to be switched on for your organization so please ask your Customer Experience Manager to enable it for you.
Device(s): Desktop
Roles / Permissions: Admin
- On User Menu click "Admin"
- On the dropdown click the the "Administration" option
- Open the Assign Manager section
To add a manager:
- Search for someone without a manager
- Click the 'Add' button
- Select their manager from the drop-down menu and click 'Ok'
- Click 'Assign'
To change someone's manager:
- Click 'Remove' to remove their existing manager
- You will then have the 'Add' option
Manager widget:
Once a user has been assigned a manager, it will be visible above their 'My Teams' widget on their profile: