Articles are a fantastic way to draw attention to important business updates, achievements, thought leadership, etc. Articles tend to be more formal and draw the attention of your audience.
Device(s): Desktop
Roles / Permissions: Space Owners/Admins
Creating an Article
- Go to Workvivo on desktop and open the Space you manage
- Open the News section from the tabs at the top
- Click “Manage News” (cog icon) on the right hand side of this section
The Manage News section appears and from here you can edit articles, create new articles, and set a Featured Story within your space
To create a new article:
- Click the “New Article” button in the top right corner of the screen
- Fill out the fields - Title, Subtitle and Body
- Add a cover image. This must be a landscape image and of type; png, jpeg or gif
- The audience is already set as the space, this cannot be changed
- Set the publish date and time. To keep the article as a draft, leave this section blank
- You can also set an archive date (for more information on this check out this article here).
- Click the “Preview” button to review the article before saving it for publication
- Click “Save” and the article will be published as scheduled
Promoting an Article / Setting it as the Featured Story
Once your article is published, you can set it as the featured story within your space.
- Open the Manage News section and you will see all the articles listed
- Beside the article you want to feature, use the toggles to slide the features on or off
- The article is now the featured story under Latest News on the space homepage
You can also promote your space article to the main activity feed by using the promoted toggle in the above screenshot.
Head to the admin panel and click into Space Content Promotion to choose which spaces have the featured/promoted setting enabled.