As leaders in communications and employee experience, we are committed to ensuring that your employees never miss critical information. We understand that striking the right balance between global, local and employee-generated content can be challenging, especially when there is a large amount of information in the feed.
But we believe that by addressing this challenge, we can help your employees stay informed and engaged, making a positive impact on your organization.
To help make feed content more relevant to each employee, we set about developing our smart feed capability. We wanted to build something that would be both intelligent and creative so that:
- It feels seamless to the end user
- Highlighting certain content should feel organic and not forced
- Content posted by those you work closest with should be seen first
- Historical highlighted content can be easily accessed at any point in time so you never miss out on the most important messages
The smart feed gives the same user experience but makes it much more personalized to the end user.
Device(s): Desktop and Mobile
Roles / Permissions: Admins for Highlighted Accounts Menu
How the Smart Feed works
Highlighted Accounts
In administration, you will find a menu item called Highlighted Accounts:
This gives Workvivo admins more control to promote content from a champion account or a particular member of management.
Their content will precede others' when you open up Workvivo, even if there is newer content from other profiles. The design makes sure content posted from those accounts in the last 30 days is prioritized and shown at the top of the feed automatically i.e. if you haven’t been on Workvivo for 40 days, you will only see highlighted content for the past 30 days.
Once a user has viewed and scrolled past this highlighted content, the user will flow into the rest of the activity feed. On the next refresh, the posts will rearrange into chronological order, moving the already viewed highlighted posts back into the timeline order they were posted in.
Note: Admins can add up to ten highlighted users.
Connected Profiles
The smart feed promotes content relevant to you based on connected profiles i.e. who your manager is, all the connected people from there, all the way up to the CEO. If you are a manager, for example, you would see posts from your direct reports or posts that they are tagged in.
Content that's deemed “important” will appear at the top of the feed. For this to work, we need to have the Manager ID provided by your HR system or Active Directory. Please note that the 'org chart' feature does not need to be enabled for this to work.
Similar to Highlighted Accounts, the design will push content from the last 30 days to the top of the feed automatically.
The 'For You' Feed
The For You feed allows you to easily access historically relevant content. Anything that was deemed important content by the smart feed will show up here as a filtered view and you can go to this feed at any time to view older content.
This feed will showcase content from Highlighted Accounts, Connected Profiles and accounts that you are actively following on Workvivo.
This is available under the Activity Feed Filter on the Web and as a chip filter on Mobile.