The Values (also known as Goals) dashboard is designed to help you understand how values are being used and communicated across your organisation. It looks at how content is linked to your company values.
It shows the top values linked, the percentage of content that is linked and which of your values are communicated the most. It also shows how use is changing over time, as well as providing an easy to use report to understand what content is being linked against which value.
Use this dashboard to understand how your values are being understood and used in peer conversations and recognition, how specific values are resonating versus others, whether trends in values are changing over time, and for reporting on the communication of values across the company.
The filters allow you to narrow down content from a specific primary, secondary or tertiary team, and specify a date range.
Note that at this time only posts (updates) and shoutouts can have a value linked to them.
Device(s): Web only
Role(s): Admin, Analytics Viewer
Availability: Paid add-on, to learn more please reach out to Sales or your Workvivo point-of-contact
Access the Values/Goals Dashboard from Admin > Analytics > Advanced Usage.
Understanding Values Use
Top Values tagged in content
Shows which values have the most updates or shoutouts linked to them in the time period selected. This helps you understand absolute volume of values communication, and their relative use against one another.
Percentage Content tagged to a Value & Over time
These two visuals help you understand what percentage of content is linked to a goal or value, and whether that is changing over time. Use these to measure and monitor progress towards having more content linked to a value, and to ensure values are being used in communication.
Note: this is only as a percentage of content that is available for linking (at this time that means only updates and shoutouts).
Values used over Time
This graph helps you determine the volume of use of each value over time. Use this to understand if one value is resonating consistently more than others. It is also useful if you are running an awareness campaign on certain values, or if you have gone through an organisational value refresh and want to understand if the new values are being used and understood.
Type Breakdown of content over time
This visual gives a breakdown of which type of content gets the most values linked to it. While you are aiming for a mix, it is good to see a significant amount of shoutouts being linked to company values or goals. This can really indicate that people are understanding, adopting and demonstrating the values of the company.
Table of Content tagged with Values/Goals
This table allows you to report on all content that has been linked to a value, and is useful for reporting or for exporting and doing your own analysis on. It can also be filtered to specific value(s) so you can quickly pull reports on the use of just those values. Top level date and team filters apply.
How do I sign up?
If you think the Advanced Analytics Add-on might be for you please reach out to your CSM or Sales contact to organise a demo and quote.