Space Owner Guidelines
As a Space Owner, you commit to:
- Having a Space Admin to support the creation of articles, events, space documents and pages
- Managing space access (new members, promoting others to the role of Space Admin if required)
- Having a Moderator to support content moderation activities (as needed)
- Planning a content calendar for each month
- Regularly posting new & varied content, valuable information, updates and good news stories through events, articles, posts, and space documents
- Promoting collaboration, knowledge sharing and networking across the company by tagging colleagues in your updates and comments
- Reviewing the Q&A section regularly and answering questions (tag a colleague who can help if you don't have the answer)
- Revisiting the Space Description periodically, ensuring it aligns with your space vision
- Reviewing Join Requests regularly if your space is Private
- Seeking feedback from members regularly about the content that is being shared
As a best practice:
- Pin content that you want to promote to the top of the space for a limited period of time
- Set up a featured story with a great cover image - it will draw your members' attention when they open your space on desktop
- Make sure the imagery in your posts is high quality
- Invite colleagues who you know would be interested in joining your space
Space Management Best Practices
Ensure your Space Owner community is keeping their spaces fresh. Hold an audit every 6 months to highlight the spaces with little to no activity. (Workvivo Support can help you identify these if you have hundreds of spaces.)
Ask the Space Owners if they would like to reignite their space and what their plan is for content. If it is no longer required, it will be archived. Check out this article for a sample email you could send to Space Owners / Admins and the steps to archive a space if required.