Aliases / Service Accounts
You may like to set up a few service accounts on Workvivo from which content will be published rather than posting from an individual's profile.
- Colleagues can click on the profile avatar / open the profile page to see all Activity and Posts around one key theme / area in one place.
- The alias also supports business continuity for any content themes that require a long shelf life. Even if one person leaves, the content will remain and others can delegate into the account and continue posting.
Bear in mind, however, that posts from individuals gain 70% more engagement than those from faceless / nameless alias accounts so use these sparingly.
For example, there could be a service account / profile set up for:
- HR / People Team
- Marketing Team
- Social Media Team
- Corporate Comms
- Health & Safety Team
- L&D Team
Before setting up a service account, determine:
- who will have delegate access to the alias
- what communications will they be sharing
- how often will that profile will post updates / articles
- who is the target audience
Based on the above, you may decide that a space would be more suitable with individuals posting to their target audience instead of a less personal service account. See here for the different space roles.
Setting up an Alias / Service Account on Workvivo
If you would like to set up a new service account / alias, create a new User under Administration People Add Person
- Fill out first name, last name and dummy email address (or actual email address if available)
- Upload an image for the avatar
- Check the box "This user will not appear in the employee file" to ensure the profile will not be deleted during the automated provisioning process
- Save
- Under Security, assign the relevant role
Once saved, refresh your browser and open Administration Delegate Access.
Add any user who needs to post from that profile as a Delegate. They should refresh their browser / feed before trying to switch account.