The Apps and Documents tabs are windows into the key systems and documents used within your organization every day.
Device(s): Desktop
Roles / Permissions: Admins, 'App Launcher Editor' permission
Before you set up your Apps & Documents, we recommend compiling a list of the key tools, systems and documents that you would like to add and determine which team, e.g. Department or Office, should have access to each item.
Here is a list of what's required to set up Apps & Documents.
Item | Requirements |
List of Apps (tools and systems) | App Name, URL |
App Visibility | Audience (e.g. Everyone/Department) |
Icons | Dimensions: 100px x100px |
Optional: Folders for Documents & Forms | Folder Names |
Optional: Folder Visibility | Audience (e.g. Everyone/Department Name) |
Optional: List of Documents & Forms | Name, URL or upload source, Parent Folder |
Optional: Documents & Forms icons | Dimensions: 100px x100px |
Check out this article for adding documents to the platform.
Adding Categories (apps only)
For easier discovery and organisation, you may first like to create and assign categories to your apps.
- From resources in the top navigation bar click apps from the drop down
- Using the admin drop down on the right select 'create category'.
- Name the category
- Click "Save"
When apps are assigned to a category, you can find them easily under the Categories menu.
Adding Apps (Links)
- From resources in the top navigation bar click apps from the drop down
- To add a new item, click Add App and select the relevant item type - to link to a cloud-based system, online app or website, select Link
- To create a folder, you would choose Folder
- To upload a file, you would choose File
- To link to a Workvivo article, you would choose Article
- Choose the Location - choose 'Top Level' for anything that you want visible when colleagues open the Apps section. Choose a parent folder if you wish to nest the item
- Add a label to name the Link
- Optional: Choose the Category you would like it classified under
- Optional: Provide a description of the app
- Provide the URL
- Optional: Upload an icon by clicking “Change Icon”. For best results, upload icons that are the same size and shape. Circular icons of dimensions 100x100 work well
- Select the Audience (Team / Department / Location). By default the audience is Global / Everyone
- Click “Save”
- The app appears under the Apps section
Bulk uploading files:
- If you would like to upload more than one file at a time, simply select ‘Bulk Upload’ from the ‘Admin’ dropdown in the Apps section.
- From here you can choose all the files you would like to upload, specify their location and choose an appropriate audience. You also have the option to rename each item before saving.
Editing or Deleting Items
- To edit an item, click on the 3 dots beside the app and select "Edit". Change the details as needed in the Edit screen
- To delete an item, click on the 3 dots beside the app and select "Delete".
Note: If an item has an audience set that is different to Global / Everyone, the Sys Admin should toggle the 'Show All Apps' switch so that they can see all apps setup, regardless of their audience.
Featuring Apps
- To feature or promote a particular item, click on the 3 dots beside the app and select "Feature".
- This item now appears in the Featured list for staff.
- It also has a Featured label which only Sys Admins can see for easier management.
Note: If you're looking to share links to docs and web pages rather than tools or apps, we recommend you check out the Mega Menu feature.
For details on how to change the order of apps and documents check out this article here.