Get insights into how popular or engaging your news article was by looking at the amount of views it receives. By knowing the readership of articles, you can get a clearer picture of the themes and topics that colleagues find post interesting and valuable.
Device(s): Desktop
Roles / Permissions: Admin/ Editor/ Article Editor
- Open the Manage News section and click the analytics icon on the right hand side of any article in the table.
- From here you can access all the key Content Analytics about each article, allowing you to understand how it is performing with it's target audience. Access key metrics like Opens, Likes, Reach and Impressions.
- Read more about Content Analytics here.
Link Analytics Breakdown
To understand the breakdown of which links are being clicked the most in your article, view the Link Analytics tab.
- Only links added to view the “add link” option in the editor will be included (i.e if you enter an email address or link in plain text, this will not be tracked).
- Link clicks are tracked in terms of total link clicks and unique user clicks.
- If a link is removed from an article or replaced, the link metrics will remain in the report.
- This report is available for export.