The Governance dashboard provides a collection of reports to help with auditing and management of:
You can download these reports by clicking the three dots on the top right hand corner above each table.
Device(s): Web only
Role(s): Admin, Analytics Viewer
Availability: Out of the box, enabled by default
System Roles and Permissions
All charts and tables can be filtered by Role(s) and Permission(s), as well as Primary, Secondary and Tertiary teams.
Role Count
- System Level Role user count: Number of users with elevated access at a system level (excluding space owners/admins/moderators).
- System Admins user count: Number of system admins.
- Editors user count: Number of editors.
- Space Manager user count: Number of space managers.
- Apps/Docs Editor user count: Number of 'app launcher editors'.
Assigned System Level Roles
A view of who has what roles - users will appear in multiple rows if they have multiple roles.
Count of Assigned System Level Roles/Permissions table
- System roles assigned count table: Total number of users with each system role. This is useful for governance/security purposes.
- System permissions assigned count table: Total number of users with each system permission. This can also be very useful for governance/security purposes.
Assigned System Permissions table
A view of who has what permissions, with the possibility of users having multiple rows if they have multiple permissions.
Space Membership and Roles
All charts and tables can be filtered by Space Name(s) and User Team(s).
Space Count
- Space count: Total number of spaces.
- Space owner count: Number of space owners.
- Space admin count: Number of space admins.
- Space moderator count: Number of space moderators.
- Space level role users count: Number of users with space level roles.
All owners / admins / moderators table
A table of all users with space level roles, useful for checking if spaces are configured correctly or for grouping admins/owners/moderators.
Space Members Table
A list of space members, useful if the export space members setting is disabled for security reasons or for enrolling members into another space.
External Users Table
Number of external users in the platform (returns "no data" if there are none).
Default Spaces
All charts and tables can be filtered by Space(s) and Team(s).
Space Mappings Count
- Space count: Total number of default spaces.
- Space mappings count: Total number of space to team relationships.
- Spaces with default mappings count: Number of spaces with default enrollment rules set.
- Teams with space mappings set count: Number of teams with default enrollment to spaces set.
Default space mapping table
Table showing default space mappings with timestamp of mapping created, useful for auditing purposes.
All charts and tables can be filtered by the name of the account to access and the name of the user with access, as well as Primary, Secondary and Tertiary teams.
Delegate Access Count
- The number of delegate assignments.
- The number of accounts which delegates can access.
- The number of users who have access to other accounts.
Delegate Access Table
A table showing every user with delegate access and the account they have access to.